Procedure Alarm Operation:
Be alert whenever pre-arranged distinctive signal such as a siren or bell set off.
Listen to Public Address System for instructions / updates.
- Immediately report nearby School Staff / Reception if witnessed sudden shaking.
- Move away from windows, glass and unfastened objects.
- Perform “DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON DRILL” under tables, desks or chairs until the “shaking” signal stops.

- COUNT ALOUD to 60 — earthquakes rarely last longer than 60 seconds and counting is calming.
- ASSUME “CRASH” POSITION on knees, head down, hands clasped on back of neck or head covered with book or jacket
- If desk not available, put School bags over head.

- Hold the door open to prevent it from locking the people inside.
- If outside:
– Power lines.
– Trees.
– Light poles and other dangers.
– Drop down to your knees and cover your head and neck.
Evacuation and Assembly
Once the shaking stops:
– Leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if staircase is wide)
– Follow pre-determined route unless instructed otherwise.
– Assist pupils with physical or mental disabilities during evacuation.
– No running to avoid panic and stampede.
On staircases:
– Descend in disciplined file.
– No overtaking of classes or individuals.
- Lifts must not be used.
- Watch out for potential falling objects.
- If not in class when the “shaking” signal went off:
– Stop immediately.
– Observe the surroundings for potential hazardous objects.
– Then proceed immediately to the evacuation point.
Stand according to Roll Nos.
DON’T re-enter the building until told to do so.
Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students.
- Evacuate school building in less than 4 minutes using different exits.
- Look out for friends.
- Stay away from weak areas.
- Try following ‘Buddy System’.
- Help those who need assistance (Special needs students).
- Consult parents or guardians of missing/trapped students for care and special medication.
- In the library:
– Move away from where books and bookshelves may fall.
– Take cover under the tables.
In science laboratories:
– Extinguish all burners, if possible, before taking cover;
– Stay away from hazardous chemicals that may spill.
In other areas:
– Like gymnasiums, auditoriums, music rooms, language labs, mathematics labs, art rooms, etc. watch out for potential falling/moving objects.
Make sure to follow the four rules for evacuation:
– Don’t talk!
– Don’t push!
– Don’t run!
– Don’t turn back!
Recall the acronym to remind you how to use it: P.A.S.S.:
– P – Pull the pin.
– A – Aim at the base of the fire.
– S – Squeeze the handle.
– S – Sweep at the base of the fire.
Procedure Alarm Operation:
When a fire is discovered:
– Immediately sound the distinctive alarm by operating the nearest alarm call point.
– Immediately report nearby School Staff / Reception.
– Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates or fire related information.
Calling the Fire Brigade:
Call emergency Fire Helpline No. 101. (or local Fire Stations)
Evacuation and Assembly:
Upon hearing the fire alarm:
– Leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if staircase is wide)

- Avoid areas from where smoke is coming.
- If there is smoke in the air:
- – Stay low to the ground, especially your head, to reduce inhalation exposure. (most casualties are due to smoke rather than burning).
- Keep on hand on the wall to prevent disorientation and crawl to the nearest exit.
- Exit through pre-identified evacuation areas.
- Assist students with physical or mental disabilities during evacuation.
- No running to avoid panic and stampede.
On staircases:
– Descend in disciplined file.
– No overtaking of classes or individuals.
– If not in class than assess situation and proceed towards the assembly point.
– Lifts must not be used.
– Stand according to their Roll No. for easy.
– At the assembly point, do a roll call or body count.
– DON’T re-enter the building until told to do so.
– Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students.
– Immediately turn-off all switches, if possible.
– Do not touch any electrical equipment.
– Remain in classrooms if unable to exit the building safely because of smoke or fire.
– Keep the door closed and await assistance from the fire department, if smoke coming from outside.
– If smoke is entering under or around the door, stuff damp sheets or blankets in the spaces to help keep smoke out.
– If possible, open a window and waive or hang a brightly colored towel or garment to notify your location.
– Close the doors behind you if safe to leave your room.
– Be aware of your buddy partners and notify authorities if missing or need assistance.
– DON’T assume Fire Alarm is a test.
– DON’T waste time collecting personnel items.
– DON’T use the elevators during a fire emergency.
– Most victims of fires die from smoke or toxic gases and not from burns.
– Always move downstairs, if possible as fire and smoke rises upwards quickly.
– Cooler air will be near the floor.
– If a flare-up occurs, activate the manual shut-off switch and call your fire department.
– Keep flammable materials away from gas-fired appliances.
Make sure to follow the four rules for evacuation:
– Don’t talk!
– Don’t push!
– Don’t run!
– Don’t turn back!
Recall the acronym to remind you how to use it: P.A.S.S.:
– P – Pull the pin.
– A – Aim at the base of the fire.
– S – Squeeze the handle.
– S – Sweep at the base of the fire.
Procedure Alarm Operation:
– No alarm to be raised.
– Immediately report nearby School Staff/Reception.
– Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates or used to signal immediate lockdown.
Calling the Police:
– Call emergency Police Helpline No. 100. (or local Police Station)
Observe the following points before starting evacuation:
– Gather in classrooms.
– Stay indoors, evacuation would be dangerous.
– Try to warn other faculty, staff, students and visitors to take immediate shelter.
– Lock the rooms from inside.
– Stay out of sight and stay away from doors and windows.
– Stay low, most probably under the desks.
– Stay calm; your panic may have repercussions on others.
– Don’t talk; as it may attract the intruder.
– Turn all available desks and/or tables onto their sides facing the hallway and/or outside windows, if necessary.
– Turn off lights and turn off radios and other devices that emit sound.
– Silence cell phones.
Evacuation and Assembly:
Once the threat is neutralised:
– Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates or used to inform about neutralization of threat.
– Immediately leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if staircase is wide)
– Follow pre-determined route unless instructed otherwise.
– Assist pupils with physical or mental disabilities during evacuation.
– No running to avoid panic and stampede.
On staircases:
– Descend in disciplined file and no overtaking of classes or individuals.
Lifts must not be used.
If not in class when the “Lockdown” signal went off:
– Stop immediately and observe the surroundings for potential threat.
– Then proceed immediately to the evacuation point.
Stand according to their Roll No. for easy counting at assembly point.
At the assembly point do a roll call or body count.
DON’T re-enter the building until told to do.
Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students.
Procedure Alarm Operation:
Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates or fire related information.
Calling the Helpline Nos.:
Call emergency Police Helpline No. 100. (or local Police Station) and Fire Brigade No. 101. (or local Fire Station)
Turn-off all switches, if possible, to avoid short circuit.
Turn off all utilities associated with utility facilities to prevent further damage and minimize electrical and explosive hazards.
Do not touch any electrical equipment/wires.
Remain in your classrooms until instructed.
Do not try to go out as lightning may cause serious damage.
DON’T waste time collecting personnel items.
DON’T use the elevators during a flood and cloud burst like emergency.
Always move higher ground/ upstairs.
If the water level keeps on rising; call your fire department / police for rescue.
Evacuation and Assembly:
Leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if staircase is wide)
Follow the instruction/updates given through Public Address System.
Keep on holding your buddy’s hand, if required.
Exit through pre-identified evacuation areas unless instructed otherwise.
Assist students with physical or mental disabilities during evacuation.
No running to avoid panic and stampede.
On staircases:
– Descend in disciplined file.
– No overtaking of classes or individuals is permitted.
If not in class than:
– Assess situation.
– Immediately go to the assembly point, if possible.
Lifts must not be used.
Stand according to their Roll No. for easy counting.
At the assembly point do a roll call or body count.
DON’T re-enter the building until told to do.
Remain on higher ground unless told to move.
Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students.
Procedure Alarm Operation:
Be alert whenever pre-arranged distinctive signal such as a siren or bell set off.
Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates.
Calling the Police:
Call on Emergency Nos.:
– Police Helpline No. 100.
– Fire Department No. 101. (or local Fire Station)
– Ambulance No. 102. (or nearby partner Hospital)
No place outside is safe with thunderstorms within six miles.
‘30-30 Rule’ (If 30 sec between lightning and thunder, go inside. While inside, stay away from corded telephones, electrical appliances and wiring, and plumbing. Stay inside until 30 min after last thunder.)
Avoid dangerous locations/activities (elevated places, flagpoles, open areas, tall isolated objects, and water activities).
Do NOT go under trees to keep dry in thunderstorms.
Give First Aid. Call 100 (police) or 102 (Ambulance).
Give CPR or rescue breathing, as appropriate.
Avoid large or long metal structures like fences and bleachers.
If possible, take refuge on ground level or lower floors.
Evacuation and Assembly:
No evacuation is needed.
Remember, no place outside is safe with lightning in the area.

Put your feet together, squat down, tuck your head, and cover your ears.
Warning signs before lightning:
– Hair will stand upright.
– Skin will tingle.
– Light metal objects will vibrate or listen to a crackling static-like “kee-kee” sound.
– Spread out to several body lengths between each person.
Continue Lightning Crouch until reached safest spot (inside building).
Procedure Alarm Operation:
Be alert whenever pre-arranged distinctive signal such as a siren or bell set off.
Immediately report nearby School Staff / Reception.
Listen to the Public Address System for vital updates.
Calling the Helpline Nos.:
Call emergency Police Helpline No. 100. (or local Police Station) and Ambulance No. 102. (or nearby hospital)
Keep the kind of spill in mind:
– Major spills
– Minor spills, including: – organic solvents – acids – bases – dry chemicals
If doubtful about the ability to clean a chemical spill safely, evacuate and call for help.
If risk to the rest of the building, pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building.
Remove any potentially contaminated clothing immediately.
First aid is always the top priority.
Protect Eye during handling and cleanup of any chemical spill.
Put on Chemical safety goggles and full face shields.
Wear thick Neoprene or Nitrile gloves or other chemical-resistant gloves.
Chemical burns can be extremely painful and difficult to treat, so be careful.
Recommended Spill Kit Supplies:
– Goggles
– Chemically resistant gloves
– Absorbent materials (booms, pads, pillows)
– Acid neutralizer
– Base neutralizer
– pH test strips/paper
– Solvent suppressant
– Plastic bags for waste materials
– Plastic scoop and scraper
Evacuation and Assembly
Upon hearing the fire alarm:
– Leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner. (Two files if staircase is wide)
– Follow pre-determined route unless instructed otherwise.
– Assist pupils with physical or mental disabilities during evacuation.
– No running to avoid panic and stampede.
On staircases:
– Descend in disciplined file.
– No overtaking of classes or individuals.
Lifts must not be used, if explosion or fire takes place due to chemical spill.
Watch out for the smoke. (It might be poisonous)
If not in class when the “chemical spill” takes place:
– Stop immediately.
– Observe the surroundings for potential hazardous smoke.
– Then proceed immediately to the evacuation point.
Stand according to Roll Nos.
At the assembly point, do Roll Call or body count.
DON’T re-enter the building until told to do so.
Each teacher must report whether everybody is accounted for or if there are missing students.
Make sure to follow the four rules for evacuation:
– Don’t talk!
– Don’t push!
– Don’t run!
– Don’t turn back!
Recall the acronym to remind you how to use it: P.A.S.S.:
– P – Pull the pin.
– A – Aim at the base of the fire.
– S – Squeeze the handle.
– S – Sweep at the base of the fire.
Evacuate school building in less than 4 minutes using different exits. (during earthquake)
– Move away from where books and bookshelves may fall.
– Take cover under the tables.
– Extinguish all burners, if possible, before taking cover.
– Stay away from hazardous chemicals that may spill.
In other areas: (during earthquake)
- Like gymnasiums, auditoriums, music rooms, language labs, mathematics labs, art rooms, etc. watch out for potential falling/moving objects.
- Immediately turn-off all switches, if possible. (during fire & lightning)
- Do not touch any electrical equipment. (during fire & lightning)
- Remain in classrooms if unable to exit. (during fire & intruder / terrorist threat)
- Keep door closed and await assistance, if smoke coming from outside. (during fire)
- If smoke is entering under or around the door, block it with sheets or blankets. (during fire)
- Most victims of fires die from smoke or toxic gases and not
from burns. (during fire)
- Always move downstairs, if possible as fire and smoke rises upwards quickly. (during fire)
- Cooler air will be near the floor. (during fire)
- Keep flammable materials away from gas-fired appliances. (during fire)
- If a flare-up occurs, activate the manual shut-off switch and call your fire department.
- If possible, open a window and waive or hang a brightly colored towel or garment to notify your location.
- DON’T assume Fire Alarm is a test.
- DON’T waste time collecting personnel items.
- DON’T use the elevators.
- Try to assist buddy partners and notify authorities if missing.
- Help those who need assistance (Special needs students).
- Make sure to follow the four rules for evacuation:

Recall the acronym to remind you how to use it: P.A.S.S.:
– P – Pull the pin.
– A – Aim at the base of the fire.
– S – Squeeze the handle.
– S – Sweep at the base of the fire.